Our Volunteers


Gary is 55 years old and has been a caretaker for his mother for the last 10 years. She recently had to be moved into assisted living, which left Gary on the street. Gary's biggest goal is to return to full time housing so he can hopefully help take care of his mother once again.


Blue started running away from an abusive home at the age of 12, by the time she was 16 she was living on the street full time. Through the help of youth and peer programs she got into housing when she was 20. Blue says, the thing she appreciated most when she was living on the street, was the kindness of strangers. She has been in stable housing for the past 25 years.


Jeffrey is 34 years old. He is originally from Wyoming. He has been unhoused most of his adult life. He believes the first step to gaining long term housing is to make everyone feel valuable. He suggests letting the unhoused participate in volunteer programs and city work programs. Jeffery says his number one goal is to make everyone smile.


Gary is 55 years old and has been a caretaker for his mother for the last 10 years. She recently had to be moved into assisted living, which left Gary on the street. Gary's biggest goal is to return to full time housing so he can hopefully help take care of his mother once again.


My name is Teresa. I have lived in Lebanon for twenty plus years. I had kids here, worked here, etc. Now I am homeless, not because of drugs or anything like that but because I had and have no income. I collected cans to take care of myself and my girlfriend at one time. I made it, but not easily. We got into an apartment and everything was great. Then the property management company raised our rent three times. I was not getting enough from collecting cans so I could not pay our rent. In turn I am homeless again and barely surviving. I am fighting for disability. I go in front of a judge with in 16 months. I’m hoping and praying for the best.